As the pandemic hits record numbers all over the US, hospitals have sounded the alarms, warning politicians and the public that, unless preventative measures are put into place immediately, hospital beds may become unavailable within a week. And while this may happen under the watch of the empty chair in the Oval Office, AirBnB will […]
Author: Ofelia Uppen-Downe

Grandma Vs. Technology: Photo & Caption Contest
Do you have photos of the elderly struggling or misusing technology? Or do you just want to submit a funny caption on other people’s photos? Go for it. To enter a caption, click on the photo – comment boxes are on each image’s standalone page. Enter your caption contest submission in the comment boxes – […]

“Digital Down Syndrome” Is An Elderly Epidemic With Treatment Options – So Why Don’t We Use Them?
It’s the most common syndrome among elderly, affecting 94% of the 65+ population. We’ve all seen it and, to varying degrees, we’ve all been affected by it: technology-specific elderly mental retardation. There are very effective treatments for the syndrome, so…why are we never using them?

Trump Successful Bringing Hard Labor Jobs Back to US for Mexican Workers
Fulfilling his campaign promise to bring jobs back to the US, president Donald Trump declared today success. “Thanks to me alone, I brought those factory jobs too difficult for reasonable white workers back home to be filled by our hard-working migrant Mexicans – the good ones,” Trump said today. “They do such a great job […]

Women Fight For More Pay. Men Fight Back.
Last Friday the federal government announced the gender pay gap hit 1.5%, the smallest pay difference between men and women since 1899, the year records started being kept. “We’ve been fighting for equal pay for about 120 years – at some point you’ve got to expect men to start pushing back. Women want what is […]

Bullying Best Exercise for Obese Children, Might Even Save Lives, Study Finds
In January 2020, 212 pediatricians of bullied and overweight children began reporting data anonymously to a University of Berlin graduate student as part of a study on bullying’s effects on the health of overweight children. The doctors were eager for the results of the study, as they long suspected results that no one else saw […]

Judge Orders Spelling Bee Use Urban Dictionary Words; White Students Eliminated in Qualifying Rounds “Just Like Track & Field” Laments Tucker Carlson
Affirmative Action Quotas No Longer in Doubt After decades of “whitespeak” (Anglo-centric linguistics), the Scripps National Spelling Bee was forced by a federal judge last month to source 50% of its competition words from Urban Dictionary, a user-generated online dictionary that is considered a modern, multicultural reference for language. The ACLU lawsuit is […]