Forget Riding For Dollars, Fund Raisers Hit Big With Porn-Style Money-Shots-For-Mom Dollars
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It’s the most common syndrome among elderly, affecting 94% of the 65+ population. We’ve all seen it and, to varying degrees, we’ve all been affected by it: technology-specific elderly mental…
Fulfilling his campaign promise to bring jobs back to the US, president Donald Trump declared today success. “Thanks to me alone, I brought those factory jobs too difficult for reasonable…
Last Friday the federal government announced the gender pay gap hit 1.5%, the smallest pay difference between men and women since 1899, the year records started being kept. “We’ve been…
In January 2020, 212 pediatricians of bullied and overweight children began reporting data anonymously to a University of Berlin graduate student as part of a study on bullying’s effects on…
Affirmative Action Quotas No Longer in Doubt After decades of “whitespeak” (Anglo-centric linguistics), the Scripps National Spelling Bee was forced by a federal judge last month to source 50% of…
Vests being tested with ear protection only worn by management. OSHA was “shocked and horrified” to learn of quality control workers at bullet-proof vest manufacturers who were taking hundreds of…