Forget Riding For Dollars, Fund Raisers Hit Big With Porn-Style Money-Shots-For-Mom Dollars
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It’s the most common syndrome among elderly, affecting 94% of the 65+ population. We’ve all seen it and, to varying degrees, we’ve all been affected by it: technology-specific elderly mental…
In January 2020, 212 pediatricians of bullied and overweight children began reporting data anonymously to a University of Berlin graduate student as part of a study on bullying’s effects on…
She was just a farmer's daughter with an 8th grade education. "Everyone told me I was going nowhere...look how wrong they were," she said. The short URL of the present…
NASA scientists fed a quantum computer "the entire historic health and cause of death records" for humanity. The computer found patterns that enable it to predict which kids will die…
116 year-old Ma-Huang accepted WD-40's "What's Left of Your Life-Time Supply Award" to promote the latest new application for WD-40: feminine dryness. The short URL of the present article is:…
NASA took its first giant step forward for "womankind" by announcing it had finally found a female employee qualified for male compensation. The short URL of the present article is:…