Lottery Winner Inspires Others, “If I Can Beat the Odds, Anyone Can!”

She was just a farmer’s daughter with an 8th grade education. “Everyone told me I was going nowhere…look how wrong they were,” she said.

Chris Weir is one of the few of the rich and famous who decide to give back in a meaningful way.

“I know a lot of famous people who never look back to where they came from,” Powerball winner Chris Weir said, “They never think about their roots or try to help anyone come up. That’s not us,” she said.

You Don’t Need a “Fancy Education”

“You don’t need a fancy education and you don’t need to work hard,” Mrs. Weir told a standing-room-only audience at the Convention Center on Friday. “And never, ever let anyone tell you your odds of being successful are too low. I am here in person to tell you now that’s a lie, you CAN win, but you have to try to win,” she said to great applause.

Audience members at Friday's inspirational seminar.
Audience members at Friday’s inspirational seminar.

“I am so, so happy God brought Chris into my life,” said lottery enthusiast Shirley Benson, 61, of Dayton. “For 17 years now I’ve been asking God why I’m not winning them numbers. After hearing Chris share her secrets last night I know exactly what’s wrong with my game.” Shirley said.

Many audience members expressed the same jubilant sentiment, even very experienced lottery players with highly developed technique. One excited audience member was Joe Jackson, 71, of Gilroy. Mr. Jackson, who has been playing 23 years, is well known in the area for wall-papering his entire house with losing lottery tickets.

Shirley Benson, longtime lottery player.
Shirley Benson, longtime lottery player.

“Ask around these parts and you’ll see people know me, they know I play a serious game” Jackson said. “I got five out of six numbers twice, it took me 19 years of discipline to get to five. And Chris get all six in just 12 years because she’s got talent, she can play those numbers” Jackson said.

Chris Weir: Creative Lottery Genius

“Chris is a creative genius. She can use the six numbers from her license plate, an eight digit anniversary, her mother’s birthday and her area code all on a Play Eight card. That’s some talent. Rest of us be making stuff up like it’s an eye exam,” — Joe Jackson, advanced lottery player

Expert players often scoff at non-players who think the game is random and winnable by a novice.

“We’ve all heard those fools saying ‘anybody can win'” said Dr. Lawrence Savrey, a Lottery Professor at City College. “But if you look at the data, you’ll find that winners have been playing for years, honing their skills.”

Chris Weir thought she was going nowhere as a child.
Chris Weir thought she was going nowhere as a child.

Dr. Savrey devotes two weeks of a semester course to teaching students about Chris Weir’s style, and that, he says, is not even enough.

“You could spend months with a team of numbers guys and never crack Chris’ code” Dr. Savrey said. “I know, because I’ve tried.”

Academics and other experts speculate that Chris Weir uses a Base 13 harmonic numeric sequence that draws from special numbers, such as family birthdays, anniversaries, license plate numbers, and lucky numbers from childhood.

Dr. Lawrence Savrey, a Lottery Professor at City College, analyzing Chris Weir's game strategies with his advanced graduate students.
Dr. Lawrence Savrey, a Lottery Professor at City College, analyzing Chris Weir’s game strategies with his advanced graduate students.

“When you only have six or eight character spaces to play with, it takes a once in a lifetime talent to find a compression algorithm for all those meaningful numbers,” Gary Kellogg, Director of Game Strategies for the state of Florida, said. “And so most people just write the first thing that pops in their head, and you know what? They pay the price for that carelessness. Some people say the odds are terrible, when really it’s just people are too lazy to do the hard work.”

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