‘Make a Wish Foundation’ Blames Seattle Nurse For Causing ‘Yet Another’ Boy’s Wish to ‘Not Die a Virgin’

Nurse said Lester is the 37th male to express such a wish to her
Nurse said she’ll miss Lester’s adorable harassment when he’s gone

“It’s so cute how he sexually harasses me,” Nurse Carmella Marquez, a Capitol Hill resident, told our photographer as our news crew showed up to interview everyone involved in this very odd Wish Foundation case. “Try to get a picture of him with that lustful little grin on his face.”

And so we did…

"I really, really, really don't want to die a virgin"
Lester “hasn’t stopped talking about sex since he got this new nurse,” his mother said

Lester’s crush and dying wish is not new to Carmella Marquez. Lester is the 12th dying boy this year with this sexual wish.

“There have been so many boys who have died with that wish, I can’t even remember most of their names,” she said.

Nurse Carmella knows how to spot a growing crush

Carmella cleaned up many tissues created by the boys' crush on her.
Carmella cleaned up many tissues created by the boys’ crush on her.

After burying “probably a dozen” boys with this last wish, Carmella looks for early signs of a growing crush, such as crumpled tissues sticking to their bellies so the hospital can transfer the boy to an older, less attractive nurse. We asked her if any of the other nurses on staff were hot enough that a teenage boy might develop a crush.

“The other nurses on staff are…well, let’s just say it’s definitely safe to transfer a teenage boy to them,” she told us.

Nurse with clipboard
Sexual requests have dropped 87% since Nurse Brown took over the dying boys’ division.

Lester’s Wish Gets Scheduled

As with all the previous dying boys, The Wish Foundation, with Carmella’s blessing, granted the boys’ wishes. On a calendar by their bedside, a date was circled with a giant red marker with the words, “Carmella Sleep Over!”.

We were shocked that the foundation and Carmella would go so far for the boys. “Wow, I’ve never seen so much dedication to a charity,” I said.

Each boys' date is circled on calendar.
Each boys’ date is circled on calendar.

Carmella laughed. “You think I’d sleep with those creepy little kids? We booked their dates eight weeks in advance. None of them had a week left in them.”

“You think I’d sleep with those creepy little kids? We booked their dates eight weeks in advance. None of them had a week left in them.”

Click here to donate money to The Wish Foundation.

Dying Wish Polls

Would you allow the dying boy's wish?
    What if it was a dying girl, would you grant her the same wish?
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