OSHA was “shocked and horrified” to learn of quality control workers at bullet-proof vest manufacturers who were taking hundreds of bullets in a shift with nothing to protect their ears from the loud blast of the gunfire.
“We saw many pictures where management is wearing ear protection as they fire bullets into the vest of an employee with no ear protection,” said OSHA case worker KC Swenson. “The obliviousness of management for the basic safety requirements of their workers is appalling.”
“This is a serious violation – at least 1/4 inch ear plugs are required for safety.”
OSHA Director kc swenson

Buxom Women Five Times More Likely to Get Bulletproof Vest Test Job
Men accused of creepy behavior while shooting at chest

“This is just unacceptable. 1/2 inch ear plugs are required for safety,” OSHA’s KC Swenson.
OSHA: “Male Managers Repeatedly Shot Women With No Protection”
“I found a disturbing pattern of male managers shooting women over and over again with no protection,” Mr. Swenson said in his report.