With a long and glorious tradition of terror in the US, the many Extreme Christian Terrorist groups (such as the Army of God) are able to boast more US terrorist killings than any other group in the world, aside from September 11, 2001.
At the end of the day, they’re running a business, and that means tough choices.
But now they are getting a run for their money from mild Christian terrorist groups, who for one reason or another, choose a more passive approach.
“It’s all about media attention,” said Dr. Tony Samara, who studies the IQ scores of people of faith at George Washington University.
“In order to get recruits and funding, they have to look like heroes in the media. At the end of the day, they’re running a business, and that means tough choices,” Dr. Samara said.
Mild Terrorist Attack Takes Out Phone/Fax Lines
On Saturday, the mild terrorists struck again with another wave of difficult phone calls.
“We had 22 phone calls in 5 minutes, all asking us to fax information, so they had us running around busy there for a few minutes,” said Sally Murphy of the downtown Planned Parenthood. “And then they jammed the fax line by faxing us the first 100 pages of the Bible. That’s how we knew it was a mild terror attack,” Murphy said.
…they jammed the fax line by faxing us the first 100 pages of the Bible. That’s how we knew it was a mild terror attack.
Mild Christian Terrorist Groups on the Rise
The mild terrorists are usually indoctrinated at the Christian Tuesday night Bingo and Thursday night bowling meetups, where they sometimes discuss politics and religion.