David Grusch testified to Congress for a third time about a massive government UAP cover-up that includes sex toys so advanced they operate on physics we haven’t even discovered.
Tag: aliens

FBI Says New Jersey Drones Sent By Aliens Looking for “Where that Goddamned Smell Comes From”
What could drones find so interesting about New Jersey? The public and officials try to solve the mystery.

Whistleblower Alleges Government’s “UFO” Report Omits Inter-Galactic Sex Trafficking
Lizard alients are particularly horny, their sex toys use technology that makes them “fucking incredible” Aliens are here and the government has no intention of coming clean. That’s the claim of an anonymous government whistleblower. Additionally, the aliens are reptilian, and they have been abducting large numbers of reptiles from Earth to have sex with. […]

Scientists Detect “Extremely Loud and Offensive” Radio Signal From Nearby Star; Send Even More Offensive Message Back
A team known as “The Breakthrough Listen Astronomers” discovered a radio signal emanating from the direction of Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our sun, just 4.2 light-years away and which UFOlogists claim are home to aliens which have been visiting Earth for thousands of years. Dr. Larry Fix of University of Pittsburgh was working […]

Black Man Abducted & Beaten by Aliens. Local Police “In Awe” of Sophisticated Alien Beating
Jim Davis, a 38 year old black man from Albany, NY was allegedly abducted and beaten by aliens sometime early Saturday morning. The aliens beat Mr. Davis with highly sophisticated techniques that have local police “in awe” and crime reviewers swooning. According to a police report filed the next day, the aliens beat Davis with […]