Vests being tested with ear protection only worn by management. OSHA was “shocked and horrified” to learn of quality control workers at bullet-proof vest manufacturers who were taking hundreds of bullets in a shift with nothing to protect their ears from the loud blast of the gunfire. “We saw many pictures where management is wearing […]
Tag: equal rights

Black Man Abducted & Beaten by Aliens. Local Police “In Awe” of Sophisticated Alien Beating
Jim Davis, a 38 year old black man from Albany, NY was allegedly abducted and beaten by aliens sometime early Saturday morning. The aliens beat Mr. Davis with highly sophisticated techniques that have local police “in awe” and crime reviewers swooning. According to a police report filed the next day, the aliens beat Davis with […]

New Police Sunglasses Causing Problems in White Neighborhoods
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Anchor Not Pretty Enough for Roger Ailes to Harass is Leaving Fox
“I don’t want to be sexually harassed, but I want men to want to sexually harass me,”

Police Exceed African American Hiring Quotas With Unexpected Canine Training Jobs
Police departments nationwide over-delivered on the equal opportunity hiring quota with thousands of new jobs unexpectedly in canine divisions.

Black Man with Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome Ejaculates 12 Times During Rough Police Beating
Luther Kennedy, a 48 year old black man living in Corpus Christi, became another expense for tax-payers when he suffered 12 orgasms while being beaten and choke-holded by police officers during a routine traffic stop yesterday.

NASA Celebrates Exciting Discovery of Female Employee Worthy of Male Salary
NASA took its first giant step forward for “womankind” by announcing it had finally found a female employee qualified for male compensation.