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Tag: news

‘Make a Wish Foundation’ Blames Seattle Nurse For Causing ‘Yet Another’ Boy’s Wish to ‘Not Die a Virgin’
“It’s so cute how he sexually harasses me,” Nurse Carmella Marquez, a Capitol Hill resident, told our photographer as our news crew showed up to interview everyone involved in this very odd Wish Foundation case. “Try to get a picture of him with that lustful little grin on his face.” And so we did… Lester’s […]

Anchor Not Pretty Enough for Roger Ailes to Harass is Leaving Fox
“I don’t want to be sexually harassed, but I want men to want to sexually harass me,”

No Survivors After Legendary SF Gay Cruise Ship Sinks After Making “Histrionic” and “Incoherent” Mayday Call
Tragedy ignites ABBA ban controversy in gay clubs