Four Surprising Things You Don’t Know About Teen Jesus

Jesus may have been the son of God, but as a teenager, his four quirks may have led you to believe otherwise.

Jesus struggled with acne and math
Jesus struggled with acne and math

1. Terrible at math

Many who knew him as an adolescent refused to believe he could be the son of God, yet couldn’t compute 7×6

Jesus struggled with simple multiplication tables and failed introductory math twice.
Jesus struggled with simple multiplication tables and failed introductory math twice.

2. Ravaged by Acne

Praying didn’t help him fight the disgusting acne he was often teased for by other kids.

3. Teased about a lisp

Sermon on the Mount was difficult for Jesus; he stammered through passages such as “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.”

4. Obsessed with sex

“None of us would have guessed he’d turn out to be the son of God. I mean, all he could think about was sex,” – said Ms. Sunje, Jesus’ 8th grade teacher.

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