Seychelles Lisp Recidivism Association Phone Fund-Raiser a Flop

Volunteers for Seychelles Lisp Recidivism Association (SLRA) held their first Subsistence Fund-Raiser last week as a last effort to keep the small non-profit operating. SLRA has been struggling after losing its 501(c) status after they had a clerical mix-up that changed their status from 501(c) to 501(t), a license to operate brothels in Nevada.

Despite a large turn-out, the phone campaigns were a complete disaster and officials have discussed the few options left.

Women 18+ with lisp invited to career banquet
Women 18+ with lisp invited to career banquet

“I think would-be donors are feeling the economy and they’re just not able to help,” said Thamuel Thmith of SLRA. While we await confirmation of SLRA’s next move, the group asked we include an announcement that women above the age of 18 with a lisp are invited to a career banquet pool-party tomorrow at 6PM at the organization’s headquarters, 667 Thutter Ave.

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